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What is "Hamtober"?

If you are in any way a participant in the art scene on social media, you may have heard of “Inktober.” This challenge, started by artist Jake Parker, invites creatives of all kinds to create one piece of work each day of October, and provides a set of themed prompts. 

I was not a fan of the official prompts for the 2019 Inktober Challenge -- they were a little edgy for my tastes -- so I knew that if I were to create 31 separate pieces of art, they would all have to be related to something I love in order to motivate me. Thus I adapted a list of prompts created by Instagram user creamsherryart consisting of mush softer words and decided to use them to draw my absolute favorite animal: hamsters! 

So here we are, 31 hamsters later. What have I learned? Other than confirming the fact that I could draw hamsters every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it, I have learned some important time management skills and I have even cemented a signature style that I have adapted for the children's book, Comfy, that I created for my senior thesis. I am very glad that I started this challenge and stuck with it all the way through. Hopefully it inspires 

you to do something fun with what you love! 

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